23 Sept 2014

Just a new born Evil

Call me a coward, a Chicken or whatever... but i confess that I see ISIS in my nightmares.

May be I am an extra worried human-being by nature, but when the danger is logically and geographically close to you, your worry is well justified.

Its either a Media Propaganda or a sci-fi movie that a group of  .... mercenary labeled group under an Islamic black flag -my favorite color- is taking over the middle east; or it is a new chapter in the conspiracy theory that we live in its bubble? That was the best of my brain's analysis about this issue.
"I firmly assert with all my senses and belief that these gang and their similes are the worst phenomenon I have witnessed- through media- since i was born, and I wish not to keep hearing about them a lot and they must come to an end."
Is it really an issue? are they that bad? or they are a kind of a promised group that will impose a new political map that at the end of the day other politicians across the world will have no choice but to deal with it.

Everyday on my way to work, I listen to the BBC mentioning that a military troupe has left their positions from Iraqi\Syrian\Kurdish Army, and this NEW IS group has seized all their battle-forces, killed huge sum of soldiers and currently ruling some Areas, and just some days back I heard through BBC that the Bismarck ("Iraqi Marines" as they call themselves) are facing very tough battling from the enemy that has Much more advanced weapons .....(WTH ???).... Other day, BBC says that the investigators were wrong about the number of Battlers of IS; They are not 10,000 as we claimed before, they are more than 70,000 ready to be killed for their belief.

But sometimes I give a more democratic space for my mind to think a little deeper, and try to hit the core of these minds and how they think, and why they relate all these massacres to Islam. So why those people have become like this, fighting Armies, not only militias with light to medium ammunition ?

The so called IS has a belief, not a lot different from Qaidas, but not also much different than the current world wide political code of conduct.

While I believe that Politics is a way (with no alternatives NOW) to manage any state's interests, but lets see how many people were killed, how many race has collapsed & how many nation has perished in the presence of the current political process. Lets see how the stronger has always been using others to his favor disregarding the consequences.

So why those politicians are intimidated by someone who almost does similar results, may be more immediate and a little more non-humanitarian?.
It is because of Selfishness, the current political principles that rule the world are the main factors that divided all the nations under the umbrellas of accomplishing state's affairs. Till we have become a bloody creature, never different than a big jungle... killing one another just to secure food and shelter (Petrol).

Any terrorist from my point of view is a result of some severe circumstances s/he has lived; This comes before any ethical considerations and kills any ability inside them to oppose what a sheikh, priest or any moderate orator is telling them about their religious interpretations. Hence, being a terrorist will be branded in his belief as the Only clear-cut for his community in the near future to evade his\er people from the current rule....and that why his life becomes priceless.

The newly born terrorists groups, are actually a result of a current dominating one, the biggest differences are the tactics and the attire...

To end this hassle in our nations, Education must be seriously revisited so that a new well educated generation takes over the political process, build our own strength, and political fence that stops all kinds of contemporary wars.


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